National Hair Loss Month - August

National Hair Loss Month - August

August is a time commonly known for foreign holidays, bank holiday weekends… and, the long school holidays! But were you aware that it is National Hair Loss month?

There couldn’t be a more fitting month for us to launch Grow, as our passion for helping and educating those who are going through hair loss, and those around them, is what brought us to launch.

Throughout August, National Hair Loss Awareness Month gets to the root of issues affecting both men and women and helps to spread the awareness. Hair loss affects approximately 56 million adults, including both male and female, and also affects children.

Most commonly people associate hair loss with cancer and alopecia. There are many types of hair loss and factors that can contribute to hair loss, such as stress, cancer treatments, medication, the menopause, and, most recently the side affects from covid 19.

According to the NHS, 8 million women in the UK experience hair loss or alopecia. Harvard Health Publishing estimates around a third of women will be affected at some point in their lives . So if this is so why isn’t it being shouted about more?!

That is what we’re here to change.

Over the coming months we will be doing more in depth blogs about the different types and causes of hair loss, our recommendations of products to help with the symptoms and side affects of them, and organisations which can help.

But, more than anything we want you to know that Grow is here to help, and to grow a community for those affected by hair loss. 💚

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